Physiotherapy-Do you have Shoulder Pain??
One of the most common conditions that affects our society is impingement and tendonitis of the rotator cuff or shoulder. There are four muscles (the rotator cuff) surrounding the shoulder blade that attach to the top of the long bone of the upper arm the humerus....
Acupuncture- How it Works
Acupuncture works on several levels. Some of which are easily explained and some of which aren’t. The easiest way to describe how acupuncture works is borrowed from current scientific research. Blood circulation: When an acupuncture needle is inserted into an...
Acupuncture Theory
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing art that involves the insertion of very fine needles into the body. There is no drug injected with the needle, the insertion of the needle alone will influence how the body functions. Acupuncture is an effective method to...
Back Pain- How Common is it?
Back pain is one of the most common reasons for a visit to the doctor. In fact, only the common cold rates higher than back pain in terms of time lost from work. Statistics suggest that at some point in our life, between 80 and 90 percent of us will suffer a...
Chiropactic History
The history of the chiropractic profession has quite a storied past. It began with the birth of Daniel David Palmer in 1845 in Port Perry Ontario Canada. The son of a shoemaker, grocer, postmaster and educator, DD Palmer was described as an intelligent and inquisitive...
Your First Chiropractic Visit
Going to the chiropractor for the first time will make some people nervous! Of course, there is no need to be. Your first visit to the chiropractor will be informative, relaxing and comfortable. Your initial visit will go like this… Walk up to front reception and...
Should you visit a chiropractor?
Do you suffer from lower back pain? Do you have frequent headaches that never seem to go away? Are your neck and shoulders burning with fatigue? Do your arms ache and your fingers tingle? Are you suffering pain as the result of a work injury or car accident? Are you...
What is Chiropractic Care?
Chiropractors offer a drug-free, 'hands-on' approach to health care. For each person presenting with a problem, the role of the chiropractor is to assess the spine and nervous system and provide a diagnosis for the treatment and prevention of the problem. Using the...
Headache Treatments
For most people, headache symptoms are treated with over the counter pain killers. Drug companies make billions of dollars in profit thanks to muscle tension, migraine and sinus headaches. However, there is a growing concern over the frequent use of over the counter...
Common Types of Headaches
The symptoms associated with headaches are often unique to the type of headache that you are experiencing. Muscle Tension Headaches: The most common headache is usually associated with painful neck and shoulder muscles. Mild to severe pain is often located at the...
What causes my headache?
Headaches are one of the most common complaints affecting people today. For some, headaches are nothing more than a minor annoyance. For others, they can cause severe debilitating pain. Regardless of the severity, very few of us will be lucky enough to go through life...
Welcome to Burlington Natural Health Centre
Welcome to Burlington Natural Health Centre. On this website you will find information on all the services we provide. Our unique health care practice concentrates on Safe, Effective health care for your entire family. We have professionals from many disciplines...