Chiropractic Care

What Is Chiropractic Care and How Does It Work?

Whether you have been suffering with chronic conditions such as headaches, back and neck pain or were injured playing sports, in a car or simply can’t stand up after putting on your socks, chiropractic care is your natural choice!


In A Nutshell…


Chiropractic is a non-invasive natural approach to health care.  It is based on the scientific fact that the body has the innate ability to heal itself and that this ability is enhanced by a healthier spine, body and nervous system.  Chiropractors correct areas of mechanical stress (injury, irritation, overuse etc.) and thereby reduce pain (if present) and aid the nervous system to promote healing.  There are many causes of mechanical irritation (stress) that cause many health problems – not just back pain and headaches! Chiropractic is extremely safe and effective.


The Complete Picture…

  • Chiropractors treat numerous nerve, joint, muscle, ligament and other soft tissue disorders and conditions.
  • Although known for spinal care, chiropractors are extremely knowledgeable in the management of many other conditions throughout your body.
  • Be it your spine or elsewhere, a comprehensive assessment of your health concerns will be performed
  • A comprehensive treatment plan utilizing the best type of treatment for your health needs will be presented to you
  • Your spine plays an integral role in your health and well being
  • As such, it may be assessed in conjunction with many complaints that to you, at first, may not appear related
  • The bones of your spine hold you up, allow movement and protect your spinal cord and nervous system
  • Your nervous system controls every aspect of your body including healing
  • Tightness, irritation, injury and improper motion of your spinal bones can negatively affect your nervous systems ability to function normally. Chiropractors call this subluxation.
  • Chiropractors specialize in the detection, reduction and prevention of subluxations and may incorporate this into your treatment plan.
  • Treatment in this regard is gentle, safe and varied to each individual patient.
  • Using a combination of traditional and modern low force techniques in conjunction with the latest modalities available, our chiropractors provide care in a safe and efficient manner.
  • In fact, chiropractic care is safer than surgery, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatories and many other traditional types of intervention.
  • Chiropractic care makes sense – it’s scientific, it’s safe, it’s natural and most important – it works!


Chiropractic Table

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